
How my journey began

Hi! I’m MLE (Emily) Wardrop

I am an advanced certified life coach. And I’d love to help you find peace in your parenting and love being a Mom!

For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be a Mom when I grew up. I thought I’d get married my first semester of college and get on with my dream but… as the Chinese proverb says “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.” So to make a long story short, that didn’t happen. I did finally start having kids when I was in my 30s and I was thrilled to “retire” from my corporate job and live my happily ever after as a Stay At Home Mom when my son was born. The problem was that I was missing out on that “happily” part. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my husband fiercely and I loved my son but why was I so irritated, annoyed, frustrated, and generally losing my mind most of the time?! Through life coaching I’ve learned how to turn those emotions into peace, calm, joy, gratitude, and actually feel that love that I professed to have for my family! I of course am still human and now having 4 (hopefully 5 soon) young kids I still feel negative emotions but they don’t dominate my life anymore and now I’m committed to helping other Moms of young children have that same transformation. Click below to sign up for a mini session with me where I will introduce you to the tools that have completely changed my life.

I know they will help you too!

Chat with me

Email me to set up a time for a free consultation so I can start helping you with your own individual parenting drama. You will get instant relief and peace!

What People Are Saying


“Emily is a phenomenal life coach specializing in parenting. She helped me learn about my thoughts and feelings as a mom. There's no shame in the thoughts and feelings we have but we can change our thoughts to give us happier results. I learned so much working with her and would highly recommend her as a life coach and friend. She's a sweetheart!”

-Denae Branch


“Emily did an awesome job helping me emotionally work through an issue I was having getting my child to go to sleep, my daughter has anxiety that tends to manifest itself the strongest at night. This has been years of struggle for both myself and my daughter, trying to balance both our needs have been challenging. Before we started the call, I remember thinking what could she possibly tell me that I have not already heard or advice that so many had already tried to offer in the past. Well I was in for a delightful surprise, she helped me see my mindset was hindering me and was not fruitful in getting the results I was hoping for and was hurting my relationships. She helped me reframe my thinking to a better way. And also being able to voice my discouragement out loud and not feel judged, but supported was vital for helping me reframe the situation and cope with it better! Please don’t hesitate to work with Emily, she is such a great coach!”

- E. Honeycutt


“In a short amount of time, Emily has helped me gain the foundation for awareness I have been seeking since becoming a parent years ago. As a result of her guidance I have found more patience for myself as a parent and by extension more patience for my children. Mindfulness discussed by Emily has really helped center our family”

— Michelle


Emily is a great person to vent to and then asks really amazing questions to help you sort out your own assumptions and biases and cognitive distortions. She layers in opportunities to teach frameworks and concepts to support good mental health in a way that lets you build on what you’ve already learned and practice the new skills she teaches. She is approachable and fun to talk to. Would highly recommend!

-Rachel W