Back to School!

It’s back to school for my kiddos this week and we are feeling all the feels!! I have two more videos about emotions in more detail coming next week but for today we’ll suffice it to say that…

Emotions are not a problem that need to be fixed!

They are just a vibration that runs through your body after your brain thinks a thought. The sentence in your brain produces a motion through your body. An emotion. A feeling. When you feel it in your body, you receive the message from your brain and it flushes through. That’s it. Your body inherently knows what to do with emotions when you are born but (similar to intuitive eating) we reprogram our perfect computer system body as we live life and we may need to now consciously reboot our systems to get back to knowing how to process an emotion effectively.
Instead of stuffing it, buffering against it, acting it out, or other unhelpful techniques we’ve picked up along the way.
More about that next week.

For now, just let yourself AND YOUR KIDS feel what they need to feel about all the upcoming changes that Back to School Brings.

I promise, life is not an emergency!


Breathe again!

Breathe some more.

Just feel the feels.

When you feel them through, they go away. Then you’ll think whatever thought was making you feel anxious and so you’ll have to feel it through again. but that’s different than escalating the anxiety by resisting it. Breathe through it. Experience the message in your body. Get out of your head. Just feel. over and over and over. You have 60,000 thoughts a day. That’s a lot of messages to process through your body. So of course you are feeling a lot of emotion.

It’s ok!
Not a problem to be fixed.

Just an emotion to be felt.

You’ve got this!

And good luck with back to school!

As always, if you need help applying these ideas to you and yours specifically, hit me up for a free chat on zoom and I’d be honored to help!

I promise I am in the thick of it with you! Wanna hear about my first two days? Back to school has brought up all sorts of thought and feelings for me. The night before school I was feeling the anxious, nervous, and dread that comes from thoughts of uncertainty and change. I was not looking forward to waking EVERYONE up early after months of long lazy summer nights after long fun filled summer days. I walked the two oldest to school with the three youngest packed into the double stroller and everything at drop off went so well! So I was feeling on top of the world and so stoked when we got home to get to work! I “only” had three kids, so i could get so much more done now! ha! funny how i used to only have one baby and couldn’t do anything now if i only have one baby i can do anything! Day one started great but when my son showed up after school without his sister!! I was feeling all sorts of freaked out. Luckily it takes forever to “get everyone in the van” so by the time I was about to panictly try to go find her, she showed up also! Whoosh! Relief!! Roller coaster of emotions, right?! Then day two i thought they knew what they were doing and so did they so i sent them off to walk by themselves. They were feeling confident and so was I. But hours later i get a text from my hubs saying that his friend had found them heading for home so he helped them get back to where they were supposed to be and stayed with my new little first grade daughter till her teacher came! oh the feels! worried. sad. scared. embarrassed. ashamed. grateful. It’s all the real deal. But the emotions are not a problem that need to be fixed. So I sat with it all. felt it all. And managed my mind to not make any of it mean that I’m a bad mom because I know that I AM still a Good Mom!!! (learn more about that in my masterclass)

MLE Wardrop

Emily Wardrop from Drop the War Life Coaching is an Advanced Certified Peaceful Parenting Life Coach.

She loves to help moms drop the war on shame and believe that they ARE a Good Mom!
She helps moms of young kids drop power struggle wars to create more peace in their parenting.

She is living her better than happy ever after life with her handsome hubby Creed and they have 5 young kids of her own. Two of which have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes so she especially loves helping other T1D Moms with their mental and emotional well-being while managing their child’s diabetes.



Toddlers, Not Tigers